Once you have a NextGen Designer (NGD) form that is ready to move from one Customer to another, the deployment process can be accomplished easily. Although there are many steps described below, in most cases, only a few are required depending upon NGD form requirements. The simplified steps to take in deployment are Steps 1 and 2 in most cases.
Step 1: Retrieve .miapp file from the source Customer
- In the NGD list of forms for the source Customer, find and click on the "Action" icon for your form.
- Click "Download" and download the provided ".miapp" file to a convenient location.
Note: We highly recommend storing your .miapp files in a file repository (e.g. git, Azure DevOps, etc.) for tracking purposes.
Step 2: Upload .miapp file to the target Customer
- Navigate to NGD in the target Customer
- In the NGD list of forms, click "Create Form from File"
- In the area "Drag & Drop Form", either
- Drag and drop the NGD .miapp file retrieved from Step 1
- Or click this area to select and upload the .miapp file
- If the form already exists, you will see the following dialog:
- Click "Yes, override." to update the existing form
- Click "Save" or "Publish" as required.
Step 3: If the NGD form references Data Resources, the following steps are needed
Retrieve data source mapping info
From the Mi-Enterprise Middleware Server Customer Administrative portal of the source Customer
- Click "Data"
- Click "Data Sources"
- Under "Data Sources", click on the name of the data source to include.
- Note all settings
SQL Type Data Source Example
Note: Depending upon your data requirements, this step may be dependent upon the Customer requirements that will determine what the connection string should be. However, the Data Source Name, Entity Name(s), Column Names, types and keys must be the same between Customers.
CSV Type Data Source Example
Retrieve data source CSV files
From the Mi-Enterprise Middleware Server Customer Administrative portal
- Click "Data"
- Click "Data Sources"
- Under "Data Source Files", click on CSV files referenced above as CSV Type entities
- Click "Download Data Source File" and download the .CSV file to a convenient location
Note: Depending upon your data requirements, this step may be dependent upon CSV data content that will be applicable to different Customers.
Step 4: If configuring a Data Source is required from Step 3, the following steps are needed:
Upload CSV file data source -
Note: ** It is important to not upload a CSV file as new when a CSV file already exists with the same filename
From the Mi-Enterprise Middleware Server Customer Administrative portal
- Click "Data"
- Click "Data Sources"
- If the CSV file name already exists, under "Data Source Files", click on the existing CSV filename
- If the CSV file name is to be a new CSV file, under "Data Source Files", click "Upload New Data Source File (.CSV)"
- Click "Choose File" and select the file retrieved from Step 3.
- Click "Upload"
Create and Configure CSV and/or SQL data source(s)
From the Mi-Enterprise Middleware Server Customer Administrative portal
- Click "Data"
- Click "Data Sources"
- Under "Data Sources", click "Add New Data Source"
- Enter the data source settings as noted in Step 3, keeping in mind that the actual source of data (SQL Connection String or CSV file contents) may be dependent upon the Customer requirements
- Click "Add" or "Update".
Step 5: If the NGD form contains an "Automatic-SQL export", for example:
the following steps are needed:
Retrieve Data Connection Details
From the Mi-Enterprise Middleware Server Customer Administrative portal
- Click "Data"
- Click "Data Connections"
- Under "Data Connections", click on the data connection referenced in the NGD form for Automatic SQL Export
- Note all settings, for example:
Note: Depending upon your data requirements, this step may be dependent upon different Customer requirements for the connection string. However, the "Data Connection Name" must remain the same between Customers.
Step 6: If Automatic SQL Export is needed from Step 5:
the following steps are needed:
Set Data Connection Details
From the Mi-Enterprise Middleware Server Customer Administrative portal
- Click "Data"
- Click "Data Connections"
- If the Data Connection already exists,
- Click the name of the Data Connection
- Keep the "Name" as is
- If the Data Connection is not found,
- Click "Add New Data Connection"
- Set the "Name" as noted from Step 5. This is the most important setting between Customers.
- Set the field values as needed (the Connection String may differ between Customers)
- Click "Add" or "Save".
Step 7: If the NGD form references additional .NET assembly files, for example:
Retrieve .NET assembly file(s) from the developer of the file(s) and follow these steps:
From the Mi-Enterprise Middleware Server Customer Administrative portal
- Click "Script References"
- If the Reference File already exists and the latest has a different version number,
- Click on the existing Script Reference name
- Under "Replace Script Reference", click "Choose File" and select the assembly file
- If the Reference File does not already exist,
- click "Add New Script Reference"
- Under "Select Assembly File", click "Choose File" and select the assembly file
- Click "Upload" to upload this file