If you need to export the pages of a form into custom images you can on the .NET framework of Mi-Forms and Mi-Apps. To do so you must first open up the .NET code for the form that you need the image export on.
In the AfterDataPathsRun method you should put code similar to this:
'the default file name for each of the pages, this will have a number attached for each unique page (ex: image1, image2, image3 ...) Const LOCATION As String = "FILE LOCATION" 'This line sets the format for how the controls will look in the image Dim xrs As New RenderSettings(CTextRenderType.FieldValues, FreeformRenderType.Ink, CheckboxRenderType.Symbol, PageRenderType.Ink, RegionRenderType.Render) 'This line starts a new class that can create images in various ways Dim xre As New RenderEngine 'This is used to create a unique file location for each page Dim i As Integer = 1 'Here we are looping through each page in the form. For Each xPage As FormPage In _form.Pages 'This converts the page to a bitmap image Dim image As BitMap = xre.RenderPage(xPage,72) 'This saves the bitmap image to a location e.g. "c:\temp\image4.tif" image.Save(LOCATION + i) 'increment i so that the file names are different for each page i = i + 1 Next
This code will export each page to a location of your choice set within the LOCATION variable. The file extension can be any valid image file extension, such as: .tiff, .bmp, .jpg/.jpeg, .png, .pdf, etc.
Alternatively you can just export specific pages instead of all of the pages. You can do so by inserting the following code instead of the code above.
Dim xrs As New RenderSettings(CTextRenderType.FieldValues, FreeformRenderType.Ink, CheckboxRenderType.Symbol, PageRenderType.Ink, RegionRenderType.Render) Dim xre As New RenderEngine Dim xPage5 as FormPage = _form.Pages(4) Dim image5 As BitMap = xre.RenderPage(xPage5,72) image5.Save("C:\temp\image5.tif") Dim xPage7 as FormPage = _form.Pages(7) Dim image7 As BitMap = xre.RenderPage(xPage7,72) image7.Save("C:\temp\image7.tif")
The 72 in xre.RenderPage() refers to the dots per centimeter of the saved image.