Sometimes, on Mi-Form's forms you may want to have some fields be circled. While Mi-Forms has no straightforward functionality to automatically allow this, it can be easily done through scripting. Simply loop through the specific fields you want circled, and use the follow script to add ink strokes.
With this method, you pass in the form control parameter ByRef as well as the radius of the circle you want to draw around it.
Sub DrawCircle(ByRef dynamic As FormControl, ByVal radius As Double) Dim zero As Double = 0.0 If (radius <> zero) Then Dim s As New Stroke s.Width = 1 Dim stup As Double = 2.0 * Math.PI / 10000 Dim h As Double = dynamic.Position.X Dim k As Double = dynamic.Position.Y Dim r As Double = radius Dim ending As Double = 2.0 * Math.PI * 180 / Math.PI Dim start As Double = 0.0 For theta As Double = start To ending Dim pt As New Point pt.X = h + r * Math.Cos(theta * 180 / Math.PI) pt.Y = k - (0.5) * r * Math.Sin(theta * 180 / Math.PI) s.Points.Add(pt) theta = theta + stup Next dynamic.AddInk(s) ElseIf (radius = zero) Then 'strokes should clear b/c radius was set to 0 dynamic.ClearStrokes() End If End Sub