The Mi-Forms Windows client had the ability to create subforms and create multiple instances of a subform from a parent form and pass data between the two. However, on Mi-Apps, instead of subforms, we recommend a technique called Page Reuse in the same use cases as subforms.
To illustrate the basic idea behind Page Reuse, see the attached example Mi-Apps .mfd file. The example file reuses the section Page 2 by doing the following:
- Hides the section Page 2
- Has a hotspot on Page 1 and Page 3 that leads to Page 2
- Before Page 2 is shown, the fields on Page 2 are cleared
- Once on Page 2, the user can enter values into 'Edit Name' and 'Edit Comments'
- After entering values, the user can click 'Enter Data' — this will pass the entered data back to the page which the user came from. So if the user came from Page 1, then Page 1's labels will update.
- The user can then tap the hotspot Back to Page 1, or the hotspot Back to Page 3
- The user will see the labels Name and Comments have been updated on the appropriate section from what was entered on Page 2