Picklists can be populated from different sources both local and external to the system. This error can result from several causes depending on the source of the picklist data and the Time To Live settings on the picklist field. Most often, this error is a result of not being able to connect to an external data source to get picklist values. Verify you have a functioning network connection and can access the external data source. If you do not know the location of the data source, please see the person responsible for Mi-Forms at your location. 

Methods for populating a picklist:

  • ODBC connection to external database 
  • CSV residing on residing on server 
  • Script-driven 
  • Static 

Possible causes for picklist population failure: (One or more may apply depending on Mi-Forms implementation at your location) 

  • Unable to connect to external data source 
    • No active network connection 
    • Incorrect permissions to access data source 
    • Data source unavailable 
  • Unable to connect to Mi-Forms Server 
    • Mi-Forms Server not online 
    • Source files not available 
    • Incorrect permissions 
  • Picklist configured incorrectly during forms design 
  • Picklist Time To Live has expired 
    • You must connect to data source to get latest version of picklist data. 
  • Picklist data source no longer available 
    • The source file has been deleted, moved, altered, or corrupted.