Mi-Forms Designer Version 10.x:

Mi-Forms Designer Version 9.x:

Mi-Forms Designer Version 8.x:

Tools -> Debug in Visual Studio

Mi-Forms Version 7.x:

  • Debugging is enabled as part of using Visual Studio 2005 as your script editor. No additional configuration is necessary to enable debugging.
  • To debug your form, simply set a breakpoint and start debugging.

Mi-Forms Version 6.x:

  • To enable debugging your script code in Visual Studio 2005, follow the steps below:
  • Under project properties, make note of the default namespace; you’ll need it in a moment.
  • Open the “Configuration Properties” folder in the properties dialog
  • Under “Start Action” choose “Start External Program” and enter “c:\program files\mi-co\mi-forms designer\designertestform.exe”
  • Under Start Options, you need to enter 5 things: path to MFT, width of the page (in inches), height of the page (in inches), path to your class library project’s compiled assembly, and the default namespace. So it might look like this: -mft “c:\forms\examples\dtex.mft” -w 8.5 -h 11 -script_assembly “C:\dev\ScriptProject\bin\ScriptProject.dll” -script_namespace ScriptProject
  • Open the designer script editor, copy the entire form script to the clipboard; paste it into your class file in VS.Net
  • Write your script code (add event handlers in MF Designer, then paste code back to VS.Net)
  • Add some breakpoints in your event handlers
  • Choose “Debug -> Start” to start debugging. The test window should open up and when events start firing, Vs.Net should hit your breakpoints and you can step through the code, examining variables.

Mi-Forms Version 5.x:

  • To enable debugging your script code in Visual Studio 2003, follow the steps in the related question and then follow the steps below:
  • Under project properties, make note of the default namespace; you’ll need it in a moment.
  • Open the “Configuration Properties” folder in the properties dialog
  • Under “Start Action” choose “Start External Program” and enter “c:\program files\mi-co\mi-forms designer\designertestform.exe”
  • Under Start Options, you need to enter 5 things: path to MFT, width of the page (in inches), height of the page (in inches), path to your class library project’s compiled assembly, and the default namespace. So it might look like this: “c:\forms\examples\dtex.mft” 8.5 11 “C:\dev\ScriptProject\bin\ScriptProject.dll” ScriptProject
  • Open the designer script editor, copy the entire form script to the clipboard; paste it into your class file in VS.Net
  • Write your script code (add event handlers in MF Designer, then paste code back to VS.Net)
  • Add some breakpoints in your event handlers
  • Choose “Debug -> Start” to start debugging. The test window should open up and when events start firing, Vs.Net should hit your breakpoints and you can step through the code, examining variables.