There are times when you may find that you have large amounts of data that you need to load into form fields for display.  For example, if you are populating values from a grid into CText or InkEdit fields to allow for editing of them.  Or if you have an "export page" that you need to copy field values into prior to doing an export.  The default behavior of a Mi-Forms form page is to update its display after any field value has been changed.  However, this is something that you can control for these situations where you need to update a larger number of fields before an update of the display would be required.


The methods to control the updating of the form page refresh are the BeginUpdate and EndUpdate methods.  These are available off of the component object.  Calls to them look like this:



' Your code here



When you call the BeginUpdate method on the component object, you are telling it not to do any display refresh when field values are changed because you are about to begin updating field values.  Then you would have your code that is updating fields execute.  And then you call the EndUpdate method to let the component know that you are done with your updating so that it will do a refresh at that time and then return to the default functionality.


This can be a handy tip to remember when you're updating a large number of fields from within your form script.