Centralize data into a single data storage have become a critical task for any software application. This single storage point can be used as an input for other applications as well.
In this article, I will be demonstrating how to export Mi-Form Form Data to MS-Access. Assuming we have a MS-Access database as below.
Your Mi-Form Form should have the same fields that will be mapped to the columns.
Function ExportToODBC(ByRef strMessage As String) As Boolean Dim myConnection As System.Data.Odbc.OdbcConnection Try myConnection = New System.Data.Odbc.OdbcConnection("Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ=" & "C:\MobilitySummit\msaccess\Customers.mdb") If (myConnection Is Nothing) Then Return False End If myConnection.Open() Catch ex As System.Exception strMessage = ex.Message Return False End Try Try Dim strSQL As String = _ String.Format("insert into Customers(Name,Address1,City,State,ZIP,Phone,Ext,Email,BillName,BillAddress1,BillCity,BillState,BillZIP,BillPhone,BillExt,BillEmail) " + _ "values('{0}','{1}','{2}','{3}','{4}','{5}','{6}','{7}','{8}','{9}','{10}','{11}','{12}','{13}','{14}','{15}')",_CustName.Value,_CustAddress.Value,_CustCity.Value,_CustState.Value,_CustZIP.Value,_CustPhone.Value,_CustPhoneExt.Value,_CustEmail.Value _ ,_BillName.Value,_BillAddress.Value,_BillCity.Value,_BillState.Value,_BillZIP.Value,_BillPhone.Value,_BillPhoneExt.Value,_BillEmail.Value) LogMessage("SQL: " & strSQL) Dim myCmd As New System.Data.Odbc.OdbcCommand(strSQL, myConnection) Dim nRows As Integer = myCmd.ExecuteNonQuery() strMessage = "Success" Return True Catch ex As System.Exception strMessage = ex.Message Return False Finally myConnection.Close() End Try End Function
It depends on where you want to export the database. It can be on client side or server. Assuming you want to export the MS-Access database on server side. You can handle Form_AfterDataPathsRun event and call the export function.
<MiCode(FormScriptEventType.AfterDataPathsRun)> _ Public Sub Form_AfterDataPathsRun(ByVal e As AfterDataPathsRunEventArgs) ExportToODBC("") End Sub