Starting with Mi-Forms v10, the server installer has been relabeled Mi-Enterprise Apps and Mi-Forms Server Installer. This installer also includes the installation of the Data Replication Server.
The Mi-Forms Server continues to support all previous functionality previous to Version 10. On a general level, this mainly includes the management of forms, groups and users with support for workflow.
The same Mi-Forms Server web app has now broadened its services to include Mi-Enterprise Apps functionality in these areas:
- Authentication
- Apps
- App Data
- Workflow
- Setup
In addition to installing Mi-Enterprise Apps and Mi-Forms Server (defaults to the \MFS\ web app), the installer also installs the Data Replication Server (defaults to the \DRS\ web app). The Data Replication is essentially a completely separate web app. It contains its own web.config file and is accessed by data adaptors and the Client APIs through a set of RESTful web service APIs. The Data Replication Server does not contain a web interface.
Although the Data Replication Server is separate from the Mi-Enterprise Apps and Mi-Forms Server, the Data Replication is dependent upon authentication services provided by the Mi-Enterprise Apps and Mi-Forms Server. Without the authentication services, the Data Replication Server will simply not work. The authentication link to a Mi-Enterprise App and Mi-Forms Server instance is contained in the Data Replication web.config file (by default, it is just "localhost" since both are usually installed and configured on the same machine).
In order for the Mi-Enterprise Apps and Mi-Forms Server to provide authentication and authorization services for Data Replication, the correct server license, with Data Replication, is required. When the license is configured for Data Replication, Mi-Forms Server Groups may be configured with "Replication Admin", "Replication Writer", or "Replication Reader" privileges. Writers may uploaded data using data adaptors and readers may download data using the Client API.