To reduce process cycle time for a support case, we have created the following template. This template provides us with the most critical bits of information to address most issues that arise when using Mi-Corporation products, saves time, and importantly will get you a solution faster.
Product/Area: Choose a product that you have question about. There are current 5 major product categories to select from, and specific parts of these products that may be included.
Mi-Enterprise Apps
Hybrid App
Native AppMi-Forms
Android Client
iPad Client
Print on Demand
Windows ClientMobile Inspection Software
Stored ProceduresQuery Managemeent Module
Web PortalServer Hosting
Self hosting
Mi-Co hostingCustomer ID
Software Version:
Specific version of the products (e.g. Mi-Forms Windows Client
Error Messages:
A screen capture of error message
Mi-Forms Server Error logs: C:\mfs\Logs\mfs.txt & C:\mfs\Logs\nhibernate.txt (This location may vary for a custom setup)
Mi-Forms Windows Client logs:
Symptoms/Replicate Process:
Provide information that can help us replicate the problem. This can be sample script, a form, or other relevant information about the how the error appears.