A 413 error may appear when uploading a template via the Mi-Forms designer when SSL is enabled. Also you may see an error Object reference not set to an object when uploading via the Mi-Forms Server web administration panel. This is caused by a limitation created by the SSL certificate that limits the maximum buffer size of an incoming request to 48k. If the file you are uploading is larger than 48k this error appears. To bypass this a change to the property UploadReadAheadSize is required.

To fix this issue, modify the file C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\config\applicationHost.config (if your IIS server is installed in the default location). Just before the last line that reads </configuration> add the following xml data:


<location path="YOUR WEB SITE" overrideMode="Allow">
		<asp />
		<serverRuntime uploadReadAheadSize="2147483647" />


Change YOUR WEB SITE to reflect the actual website name in your IIS install.