There are several example forms included with the Mi-Forms Designer to help enable often requested features. You will find them in the directory Mi-Forms Designer is installed, typically 

x64 - C:\Program Files (x86)\Mi-Co\Mi-Forms Designer\examples\forms

x86 - C:\Program Files\Mi-Co\Mi-Forms Designer 9.5\examples\forms

The following is a description of the examples and what they showcase.

Advanced Ink Copy Example.mfd

This form shows how to replicate ink input onto another area of the form. This method can be used to copy ink to another page anywhere on the form. The examples show scaling and proportional methods. Potential use cases could be signature replication, or showing a hand drawn diagram on different pages of a form.

Annotations Example.mfd

This form has two examples, image and audio annotations. The Image annotation example shows how to manage images. You can capture them with an onboard camera, or select an image file and manipulate it. Similarly, the audio annotation example shows how to create and play back an audio file.

Database Picklist Example.mfd

Shows a method to populate a Picklist or Dropdown item with a connection to a database, The solutions is adaptable to whatever your database environment might be.

Date Picker Example.mfd

A method to pop a date selector often found in well designed websites and applications.

Disable Control Example (Region).mfd

Disabling controls on a form is simple with the use of regions to mask them. This method shows how to use regions to shade the control or make it disappear.

DuckPond (Sub-Forms).mfd

An example of how to use subforms. This form references Duck-Pond-Bird.mft to show how to reuse form information in a 1-to-many situation. This example shows how to ewnter information for multiple birds in a single pond.

Dynamic PDF Example.mfd

A sample PDF export method to output data from the form. This method is useful to create reports in a standard format while allowing the form entry design to remain more suitable for that purtpuse.

E-Pad Ink Example.mfd

Shows how to incorporate an ePad device with Mi-Forms and export a signature.


A sample game. Pretty self-explanatory.

Help Example.mfd

A method to open a web browser from a form.

Page Re-Use Example (With Grid).mfd

This form demonstrates the ability to reuse a single page to create multiple records. In this case, the grid below will display a list of all people for whom contact information was recorded. The Add, Delete, and Edit hostpots are used to change pages and copy data to and from a hidden page.

HTTP Download Example.mfd

Download an image from the web. Hit the hotspot; the form script will download the main Google logo image from the Google site and place it in the image annotation field.

ICD9 Example.mfd

A method to filter items in a dropdown list based on a previous selection.

ODBC Example.mfd

A method to query a database using ODBC

Page Navigation Example.mfd

Two methods to navigate within a form. 

Page Re-Use Example (With Grid).mfd

This form demonstrates the ability to reuse a single page to create multiple records. In this case, the grid below will display a list of all people for whom contact information was recorded. The Add, Delete, and Edit hostpots are used to change pages and copy data to and from a hidden page.

Page Re-Use Example (Without Grid).mfd

This form demonstrates the ability to reuse a single page to create multiple records. In this case, the picklist below will display a list of all people for whom contact information was recorded. The Add, Delete, and Edit hostpots are used to change pages and copy data to and from a hidden page.

Reco Guess Example.mfd

This form shows how to manipulate the recognition threshold of the characters entered into a text field.

Remove Ink Example.mfd

Two methods showing how to remove an entire inked area or selective remove the last entered ink.

Simple Ink Copy Example.mfd

Method to copy a signature from one portion of a form to another.

SQL Example.mfd

Another method to connect and query an SQL connection, this time using a standard connection string.

Tic Tac Toe.mfd

Play a rousing game of Tic-Tac-Tow against Sargon.

Webservice Example (ICD9).mfd

Shows a method to query a website for data.

Workflow Demo.mfd

An example of how to utilize workflow on the Mi-Forms server.