Group membership status is obtained from the Mi-Forms Server so the form will need to obtain this information from the Server. There are two methods for doing so:
1. Depending upon your form workflow, the form can use the ServerQueueing event handler and use the ServerQueuingEventArg "GroupMembers" which will describe the current state of group membership on the Server for the Customer. This information can then be saved within the session and scripted to persist this information for other forms on the Client when this session is routed back to a Client.
2. Use the WebserviceinterfaceEx class to retrieve group membership information directly from the Server. Specifically, GetGroupsForUser().
Details on these methods are documented in c:\Program Files (x86)\Mi-Co\Mi-Forms Designer\mfdev.chm. In the Contents section, you can also find useful tutorials under "Development Scenarios", "Standalone Windows Application", "Advanced Topics", "Communication with a Server" or
"Development Scenarios", "Form Scripts", "Server Scripting", "Workflow".
With sub-forms, I suggest looking at "Development Scenarios", "Form Scripts", "Advanced Topics", "Sub-Forms". If your sub-form need access to the group membership information, sub-forms continue to execute their own form scripting, just as the main form.